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We Specialize in Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm
Fire Alarm
Our Team of Experienced, CFAA/ASTTBC certified Technicians and Journeymen Electricians are certified and qualified to work in every Jurisdiction in Western Canada, and are Factory Trained on many of the systems available.

♦ Northfort is a Manufacturer Certified and Authorized Distributor of:
  • Advanced Fire Systems
  • Fire-Lite Alarms
  • Alula
♦ and our Technicians have been Manufacturer Trained with:
  • Vigilant/Kidde
  • Notifier
  • Kidde-Fenwal
♦ Legacy Brands we are Extremely Proficient with:
These manufacturers have for the most part been dis-continued. 
Our lengthy experience allows us to provide support for these systems that is not always readily available.
  • Cerberus-Pyrotronics
  • Mirtone
  • Pyrene/Chubb
  • Securiplex
♦ Fire Alarm Monitoring

  • ULC Fire Alarm Monitoring with Single Path Cellular or Dual Path Cell/IP
  • Meets Building Code Requirements for Fire Alarm Monitoring
The Standard in Fire Systems

Advanced - The Worlds Fire Alarm System - Now in Canada

Advanced is known all over the world for making the best quality, best performing fire systems.

We design ‘easy’ into our products. We make it easy to set up a one panel system or a complicated 200 panel network. We make our software intuitive. We deliver fast, accessible support, training and service. Above all, we make it easy to rely on an Advanced system.

Fire Systems are in our DNA. Our people are among the most talented and experienced in the fire systems business.

Our systems are protecting people and property in over 60 countries world wide, in many of the most prestigious and challenging locations. We realize our growth comes from the strongest customer relationships. We stay friendly, flexible and reactive to your requirements and our customer service is consistently rated excellent.

The  system can be configured for the smallest application to the largest, easily and cost effectively configured to suit any requirement, be it Residential Apartment/Condominium, Commercial/Office Building, Industrial Site or Shopping Centre.


Fire-Lite Alarms by Honeywell

Founded in 1952, Fire-Lite was the first company to introduce addressable fire alarm systems to the market. 
Today, Fire-Lite manufactures:
  • Low-to-mid sized fire alarm control systems
  • remote power supplies, 
  • Remote Annunciators and 
  • Heat and Smoke Detectors.

Northfort provides Full Support for your Fire-Lite System
  • Northfort offers full support for the Fire-Lite product - from the original MS-9200 and Conventional Sensiscan 200/2000 to today's ES systems.
  • We have stock of Legacy parts to help you with your existing systems and can program and verify modifications to your Legacy systems.
  • Our Technicians have been providing support for the Fire-Lite products since 1994.

Legacy Model Numbers Supported

  • Fire-Lite MS-9200(C)/MS-9200UDLSC (and Notifier AFP-100)
  • MS-4424/MS-4424B and MRP-4424 (and Notifier SFP-400B and RP1001/1002)
  • CMP-2401BC and CMP-2402BC/CFP-2401BC and 2402BC
  • Sensiscan 200 and 2000 (and Notifier 500/2500/5000)
  • MS-2410BC/CFP-2410BC
  • MS-9050UDC and FireWarden-50C and FireWarden-100-2C
  • MS-9600/MS-9600LSC 

Current Model Numbers Supported
  • MRP-2001C, MRP-2002C (RP-2001C and RP-2002C)
  • MS-5UD-7C, MS-10UD-7C (SFP-5UDC/SFP-10UDC)
  • ES-50XC and ES-200XC